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We Also Accept ACH, Wire Transfer, Paper Checks and Zelle

Direct Deposits & ACH

Routing Number: 322271627

Account Number: 956035585

Account Name: USED CONEX LLC 

Bank Name:  Chase Bank

Note: Please DO NOT forget to add the invoice number on the ACH memo.

Wire Transfer Routing Number: 021000021

Account Number: 956035585

Account Name: USED CONEX LLC

Bank Name:  Chase Bank

Swift Code For International Wire Transfers: CHASUS33

Note: Please DO NOT forget to add the invoice number to the Wire Transfer memo.

Please mail all checks to the following address:


5401 West Kennedy Blvd Suite 100, Tampa, Florida, 33609

Checks for under $20,000.00 can also be emailed to [email protected] for online deposit. Please make sure to take a clear picture of the front and back of the check.

Note: Please DO NOT forget to write the invoice number on the check. If you’re sending a picture of the check, please include the invoice number on the subject line as well.

Please send your Zelle payment to the recipient below:

Recipient Name: USED CONEX LLC

Email address: [email protected]


Note: Please DO NOT forget to add the invoice number to the memo.